Monday 23 August 2010

Minas Elendúr/Delotham

One chapter in Volume III Book 2 in the upcoming LOTRO content release takes place in the sprawling maze instances Minas Elendúr and Delotham. Now anyone who knows me (in real life or in game) will know that I have terrible direction sense. So I didn't get very far into Minas Elendúr before I realised a map. And this being beta, there weren't any maps readily available. So I made my own. But it quickly became clear from GLFF that even people who don't normally have a problem navigating in LOTRO were having trouble with this one. I hope that my maps will be able to help someone.

For those who aren't familiar with these instances, there are two separate instances, Minas Elendúr and Delotham. However, they are connected by 17 doors. Delotham can only be accessed by going through Minas Elendúr, and parts of Minas Elendúr can only be accessed by going through Delotham. The epic quest primarily takes place in Minas Elendúr, but there is also a deed that requires exploring both instances.

I've posted two sets of pictures below. The first is in-game screenshots of the maps; the second is my hand-drawn maps. The hand-drawn maps aren't exactly to scale but it should be pretty easy to match the shapes up (especially with all those Hidden Mickeys...).

The red numbers indicate the doors. Going through the door in Minas Elendúr marked 1 will take you to 1 in Delotham and vice versa. All doors are two-way. The red dot in Minas Elendúr is the exit. The door is located at 48.6S 6.5W.

The Ds on the map indicate a couple of places where I've come across the Defilers that you have to kill as part of the quest. They tend to wander a bit and they can be found in other parts of Minas Elendúr (but NOT Delotham). I don't know if they've improved the numbers since I did the quest but if not... be prepared to be patient. I've also indicated the location of some of the mobs in Delotham but you don't need to kill them for any quests.

Some of the labels on the map indicate locations for the exploration deed. These are incomplete (and I don't guarantee they are all correct) because there's no way to find out what a particular place is called once you've visited it once and I had finished the deed before I finished the map. But to finish the deed you pretty much need to go everywhere in both instances.

In game map of Minas Elendúr:

In game map of Delotham:

My map of Minas Elendúr:

My map of Delotham:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jenni, maps are excellent,

    A grateful (and short on time) RK
