Friday 21 August 2015

Leaving Today!

I'm finally leaving on my trip today! It's been a long time coming, although the final month or two have gone very quickly.

I have been doing a lot of last minute trip preparation.

Friday 14 August 2015

1 Week to Disney: Blogging Plans for My Trip

Every week seems to be going faster than the last. A complication since last week is that I have come down with a cold, which has limited the amount of trip preparation I have been able to do. Hopefully it will clear up in the next few days; otherwise it will be a pain on the flights.

My main planning focus now is on packing. I have a master list of what I want to take but I still need to figure out if there is enough room to fit it all in my suitcase and still leave plenty of room for souvenirs.

My main aim for today's blog post is to outline how I intend to post about my trip, both here and on Twitter.

Friday 7 August 2015

2 Weeks to Disney: 10 Things I've Learnt

Time seems to be going quicker and quicker as my trip gets closer. I'm starting to get a bit stressed, as evidenced by the number of times I wake up in the middle of the night from a bad dream. For the most part the dreams aren't related to the holiday, but they're a good indication that I'm a bit anxious. A few months ago my anxieties mainly revolved around whether my plans for the parks would work out, but as the trip gets closer I'm more worried about practicalities - getting through airport security, finding the shuttle to take me to my hotel, and so on. Rationally I'm sure that everything will work out fine, but everything always seems insurmountable in the middle of the night.

Since I've finished outlining my major plans for my trip, I thought this week I'd go through some lessons I've learnt during the planning process.