Sunday 1 July 2012

Lord of Ultima Tools Part 4: LoU Assistant

LoU Tweak and LoU BOS are the main scripts that I use when playing Lord of Ultima, but there are a few other scripts and extensions around that fulfil miscellaneous tasks. The first that I'll discuss is LoU Assistant, which contains a few minor but useful options.

Unfortunately it hasn't been updated for about 6 months, and every new game update seems to break a new feature.

Download LoU Assistant here (Greasemonkey script). When you install it, you'll notice that absolutely nothing seems to change. That's because, by default, all of the options are turned off. The only thing that has changed is a new tab in the game options. Open the game options by clicking on "Options" in the bottom-right corner:

Find the tab marked "[brm] Tweak" (despite this title, it has nothing to do with LoU Tweak).

The first few options are fairly self explanatory:

  • "Chat" makes the default chat tab "Alliance" instead of "All"
  • "Ministers" makes the default tab when you click on a minister Assistance (for building, defense and trade ministers) or Options (war minister) instead of Information
  • "Items" makes the items window default to showing all items instead of just items for your current title
"Player Statistics" displays some basic information in the main game window:

First of all is a city summary, which is expanded on in the mouseover, telling you how many cities you currently have, how many you could have given your current level of research, and (when you mouse over) whether you already have the barons for those extra cities sitting around.

The other change is that next to your title it tells you what level you are at within that title. For example, in the screenshot above I am at Marquess Level 1. If I research title advancement, this will change to Marquess Level 2.

Note: Player Statistics appears to be broken at the moment, which is a shame because I found it useful. This also means it's a good place to look if you are getting script errors when you first load a world - try turning this option off.

"Resource Statistics" displays some more information, this time about resources.

This displays the total amount of each resource across all your cities, and the total production of each resource across all your cities. It only works if you have a trade minister (and I seem to have broken it even on a world where I have a trade minister - notice that all the numbers in the screenshot are 0...). I find it takes up too much screen width for the window size that I normally play with.

I can't tell you what Hide Mana label does, because it does absolutely nothing for me (I'm not sure if it is interacting with another script or whether it has been broken by a game update)

Overviews Dialog Alignment makes my overview window go over to the right like this:

I'm guessing that if you have a big/high resolution monitor this would let you look at the overview and your map at the same time. On my computer it just makes the overviews window look silly. The note says that a restart is necessary - I found that the shift to the right worked straight away, but I had to turn the option off and then refresh to get the overviews to return to the normal position.

The City Overview option adds a new tab to the Overviews page (you don't need to have any ministers for this to work). It contains a text version of your build queue, with projections of your wood and stone totals and construction speed at the time each building finishes.

The Completed Time option under this displays the total time of your building queue and when it will finish under the Building Queue heading (immediately under your construction speed). This duplicates functionality added by LoU Tweak, and I'd assume anyone who has LoU Assistant installed also has Tweak, but you might prefer the information in this position.

Note that as the indentation suggests, the Completed Time option only works if City Overview is also turned on.

So that's the rundown on LoU Assistant; continue to Part 5 for information on LoU Suite and Nessus River Guardian.

1 comment:

  1. Nice !

    It's a shame that the script have a lot of broken parts...

    TDK extension i still don't know what he do! :P

